IRF Workshop
Workshop-okat az IRF (International Rafting Federation) azért szervezi, hogy a már képzett, tapasztalt túravezetők besorolásra kerüljenek az IRF rendszerbe. Azaz rövid szintfelmérő vizsgák után a
túravezetők megkapják a tudásuknak megfelelő minősítést.
Általában három naposak: első nap Guide minősítést lehet szerezni, második nap a Trip leaderit, harmadik nap az instructorit. Minden évben szerveznek legalább egyet Európában és egyet az amerikai
kontinensen. Gyakran Világbajnokságok vagy kontinens bajnokságok után rendezik ezeket, mivel akkor nagytömegekben gyülnek össze a rafting képviselői. Nem utolsó sorban az a feladata a
workshop-oknak, hogy összesimitsa az eltérő nemzeti standardokat és nemzetközi fórumot teremtsen a rafting oktatóknak.
Az IRF Workshop-ok szinte kivétel nélkül angolul zajlanak, így további információkat is angolul találsz itt alább:
On an IRF Certification Workshop where many experienced river people gathers You can easily and quickly get certified without participating to a long and expensive course. Nothing to risk, You get assessed and get the certificate according to Your level.
The Program of the IRF Certification Workshop is the following:
1. day - Guide assessments
consists of - guiding: manoevering a raft, briefing clients
- basic rescue techniques: swimming, throwbagging and
making a Z-drag.
- flipp drill: flipping and reflipping any kind of raft
- written test
2. day - Trip Leader assessments
consists of - Solving a rescue scenario (any emergency you can
imagine on the river)
3. day - Instructor assessments
consists of - Making a lesson (land based)
If You do not have any previouse IRF certification you can get to the Instructor level if You pass all 3 days of assessment but You need to have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to achieve that. If You have a previouse and valid certificate You can go from there on. Check the Award Scheme (AS) for the different types, levels and classes of certifications.
In order to make your guide award current you must provide to your Instructor with the following
- A current Red Cross first aid certificate (FAC) or equivalent with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). (Less than 3 years old).
- Log book recording each run, signed by the Trip Leader or Operations Manager of the company.
- IRF Award Fee –assessment fee -
Guide and Safety Crafter 60.-Euro
Trip Leader 90.-Euro
Instructor 150.-Euro
Guide, Safety Crafter and Trip Leader Renewal costs after 3 years Eur25 plus Eur25 if you require a card issued by the IRF. Instructor renewal is for free if the criterias of the AS are fulfilled, otherwise recertification is necessary.
Workshop fee:
Please note there is usually an additional Workshop fee You need to pay to the organizer. This varries depending on the location and the organizer's costs.
You can Organize an IRF Workshop by inviting a current IRF Assessor, see details.